"Life can be a comedy or a tragedy,
it all depends on how you look at it".
This is a sentence form the Woody Allen movie I saw the day before yesterday (
Melinda & Melinda, a movie itself maybe a bit boring....just for a smooth afternoon if you don't have nothing more interesting to do..here a quote from imdb "This is a throughoutly enjoyable, pleasant exercise on love, infidelity, marriage, life, and so on, which while not being specially mesmerizing nor powerful, is sure enlightening: life is short. We shouldn't see it in a pessimistic way, because that doesn't lead anywhere, nor in an exaggeratedly optimistic way. We just got to accept it and enjoy it, because it can end... like that" maybe it is truth.....)
I live now very slowly in Dresden....trying to catch up with my life :) We have alraedy June and in my head I am somwhere in the beginning of May. As always mentally late ;) . I try to read the book I once started to read (e.g. very enjoable Terry Pratchet! this sens of humour,
chapeau bas!). I try to enjoy being in the moment I am right now - this is the art of living I try to manage....
Writing applications for some job should be my permanent occupation, but I am so f... lazy!Destiny, please HELP!
What else. Boring weekend in the office - but this is like holiday, so actually I needed this time...