And what this blog it actually about.
So it is about me, mostly. My thoughts, my actions, my adventures (so called).
What I read, saw, heard.
(How can one be so egoistic...)
Just because one day I decided to stop writing on paper, and trusted this virtually possibility to catch reality in words...Of course, mostly for me! You know, stilling something of the time passing by and putting it here to not forget it in the future... *as I called this page: Riot Against "Passing by".
And forcing myself to think. Not bad, I suppose, to train your brain and stay mentally fit.
And, last but not least, for people I just not have to much time to write to often about what is going on in my life. If they are interested, of course.
I thought a bit naive that it will force me to work more professionally with word but I think this idea is rather lost because of many reasons, the most important of them probably my laziness.
Nevertheless I write. Whatever.
As I am now in Poland, for a longer time, I forgot to write in any other civilized languages, staying whith Polish :)
I promiss to add a little bit more languages again :)
Yesterday I was a bit moving around here in Silesia. Ambiquity, as always.

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